Labels:book | gazette | reckoner | sky | window | windowpane OCR: Cataclvsmic eruption Mount Helen' first magmatic eruption Cause: uogania o f 1980 0N Sunday Mav 1.8 sudden violent and isa strous votcano 3.9 an ar thquake about maqnitude jolted the volcano ear thquake caus larqe par uppe north flank ol cano break loose buo tu and lide downslope The mas rockslide exposed s t new rock face rom within the vo] lcano flashed emoval rockslide lal rom flank had depr ssurized unco rked unde ring hiqh- sure svstem or and sur roun ding rocks la directe erupt ion clouc bur from the daa rock face sodxe by rockslide and ica loud ros fron th ummi th econd ETects ofthe huqe lid broke loos anc the lat 11 erun ior uogania exmained expanded involve and hide much o f the north flank of the pnmany by vol cano proviaing detair More slides foll lowed and the succession of sli ...